Thursday, October 28, 2010

Stuck in time

Whether it’s an event in the past or a concern about the future, it is often so hard to come to terms with how ridiculous it truly is to be stuck in time.

Although it’s necessary to have some kind of a plan for the future , and of course at times it can be helpful to refer to the past before taking a decision, we do have to draw a line somewhere. The reason is that while we over analyze what happened or what will happen we are wasting precious minutes, hours or entire days, because unfortunately life doesn’t come with a pause function. Evidently it’s easier said than done,  however it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how important it is to live in the present, leave the past behind and allow the future to unfold.

I have no doubt that almost everyone at some point has experienced getting into a state of utter impatience while waiting for someone or something. The reason we get into that frame of mind is because we begin to speculate and envision what we could be doing in that moment instead of just sitting around wasting time. So how different is it being immersed in a thought which doesn’t allow you to move forward?

One of the fundamental lessons in acting class is to be in the moment, and there’s a very compelling reason for that. Actors work with a script and therefore know exactly where and how each scene ends. So it’s very easy for an actor to move too far ahead because he would be thinking about his next line and how to deliver it, rather than actually listening to what is being said to him and giving a reaction to that.

Similarly in life we could easily be losing out on many things that are happening around us now if we concentrate too much on the future or the past. Sunset implies the ending of each day, while every sunrise is the beginning of a new one, and that’s exactly how it should be perceived.
You build a better future by making a better day, everyday.


  1. Very true! And the older you get the more you realize life is not a dress rehearsal! I try to take it one day at a time.

  2. Very true Andrei,I tend to live for today and deal with tomorrow when it comes,no sense worrying about what hasn't happened yet

  3. So true, Andrei,

    Thanks for sharing the link!

    Faith V. Smith

  4. Losing someone close to you is another one of those moments when you realize just how important it is to BE in the moment, to share with those around you just how much you treasure their company.

    What's that quote? Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift, that's why it's called "the present."

    Enjoy every moment of life...

  5. wow...this actually seems to sum up my life right now. i am so focused on the future and making positive changes i forget to enjoy the now. you are so right. we should all sit back and enjoy the moment :)

  6. @ elaine: are you saying I'm getting old? :)

    @ Deb: if you really live like that I truly admire you

    @ Faith: thanks for reading!

    @ Cai: That's a great Quote... love it.

    @ Ali: Aren't we all at some point or other!

  7. So very true Andrei...I couldn't agree with you more on this. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
    Peace,Love and Hugs to you~
    Cheryl Jaye

  8. Kiss the day goodbye at sunset with no regrets.
    Start at sunrise with eyes open for new beginnings..It is hard to do sometimes,but the rewards within when done can be so amazing.


  9. Thanks Andrei. Lately, because of the negative mid-term elections here in the States, I've felt a definate lack of creativity. I took a walk one morning and saw the beauty of Autumn leaves and listened to the chipmunks gathering acorns. It reminded me that every day is special in its own unique way. Thanks so much, Frances Stockton

  10. Thank you for the link Andrei and I like this post - sound advice.

    Now, just have to figure out how to post this and then how to follow your blog - :)

    Mimi Wolske

  11. Wow. Beautifully put, Andrei! Didn’t know you had this gift with words, my friend. I’m impressed. ;o)
    What you stated is very true. I always remember that the next moment in time is not promised to us. Had to lose a few friends to come to this realization. Living for the moment is the only way to live. Life is so beautiful and truly amazing when you allow the moment to take you away. As you said, think about how much we miss when we are constantly planning, or stressing over a future that is not guaranteed.
    Thanks you for sharing this.

  12. Thanks Andrei for sharing..We should learn from yesterday,live for today,hope for tomorrow..Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending..Thanks so much and Godbless,

    Lyn Eve

  13. Yes living for the moment is good, but when your going through difficult times, it's always good to have the future to look forward to.

    Andrea C

  14. Well written and well said. There'd be so many more happy (or at least content) people in the world if we could just learn to embrace this and live it.

  15. Well, it’s certainly doesn’t come naturally, and even I have trouble living this way at times.

  16. Interesting post, perfect to remind me a said that here in my country(Argentina) is extremly uses: Life is something that happens while you are making other plans"

    So true that makes me scare!!!

  17. Andre I had a lived for today attitude for the last 25 years when my dad then 50 had a stroke. I have not taken anything for granted since. If an opportunity comes my way I grab it. I try not to look back and only forward

  18. You´re great I love it - I do so all the time, living in the present and enjoy the moment as in my life nothing came like I tried to plan it ... So life itself teached me to live now and remember the past as a teacher only and the future as something to be curious enough to see within the next moment ... ;) Thanks for sharing ... take care, send a smile of the moment ;)Stine

  19. I've always said you were a very smart man and this post just reiterates that once again. It's also a post that resonates with where I currently am in life. Each of us has to remember to enjoy each and every moment of our precious lives in the here and now because that's all there really is when you get down to it.
    Thanks for the great post, Andrei! You're awesome & I wish you the best with your acting career and with life! :)

  20. Thanks Cheryl, Sam, Frances, Mimi, Yvonne, Lyn, Andrea, Melina, Gail, Stine and Janice for your input.

  21. If I knew I'd pass over in 20 years, I'd live today like I'd live it in 20 years. If tomorrow were my last moments on Earth, I'd still relish each moment for the older I get, the faster time passes.
    Sieze the moment.

  22. Well said Andrei. But as everyone realizes, it is hard to live in the moment and not think about what if I had done this or that from the past. Memories from the past are nice, but just think what fantastic things the future holds.

  23. So very true. At times it seems so easy to fall into that stuck feeling, and it can be so hard to pull ourselves out of that space. What seems to help me when I am feeling stuck is to write letters, write letters to myself about how I am feeling and exactly whats going on in my head. It has been able to make me more aware of what my real feelings behind whatever it is come to the surface. Thank you for this blog. :0)


  24. It's funny that you say that - get in the moment. When I was young, all I could think about was the future. But ever since I had my second daughter and she had several issues (especially over the past 8 years), I have done nothing but live in the moment! I don't know if that makes me appreciate them more, but at least it makes me slow down and deal with the here and now and not worry so much about the distant future.


  25. Well, yes it's natural that we feel concerned about what's going to happen. The question is how do you define the future? because an hour from now is the future. In fact every minute that goes by is part of our future...

  26. What is future?? for my next step, my next fight, the next hugg to my little boy, the kiss.
    And maybe future is the hope, the awakening of a new view of my life.
    Future is the second before you breath, the time you take to realice something, a project.who knows!!!

    But I do really believe something about it: future is yours, noone can handle it for you,
    My mother ufed to tell me: "You are the artfice of your own destiny."

    I can say, according to this, that is true , and until the end of your days you are the owner of your.


    pd)sorry for any grammar horror!! ;P

  27. We are all think about future. It is become so natural to think about tomorrow, not now. This has become a habit and we forget that we are wasting time. Because while we are waiting for something maybe someone needs us. All of us could say: if I were there, it will not happen or something... And this is true. That's why I always try to stay here, now, just because I know how many time I waste already and this time never can be returned.

    Leyla Akavova.

  28. That's very true, Leyla. We need to also stay close to our friends and loved ones.

  29. Did you leave Facebook???

  30. There's been some issues with Facebook

  31. Well Andrei you need to get the facebook issues fixed~~please~~:)


  32. Hello

    I am trying to contact Andrei for a written interview on our book review site The Reading Cafe.

    WE post interviews with the authors and the models, and we would like to contact Andrei.

    You can find us at :

    Thank you in advance...


  33. I like the idea of being in the moment as much as possible. And now I miss acting classes:( Thanks for reminding me to live in the present.
